Saturday, November 6, 2010

Dare to Dream of Alpacas

I have never hid the fact that I would like fibre beasts. Mostly I want alpacas but I would also like a few sheep and a llama.

When I was at Camilla Valley Farm the other day buying my hand carders, another customer came in to buy a piece for her loom and she was telling me that there was going to be an Alpaca Show and auction in Orangeville at the Fair Grounds on the weekend.

DH and I were down in Orangeville today so I mentioned it and away we went! I'm sure he was quite wary of me looking at fuzzy little alpaca faces because he knows how I feel about them. I think he kinda likes them too now! They are so sweet. We were looking at the ones that were scheduled to be auctioned off and my goodness, they are so sweet! Their poop doesn't smell and they are very clean critters. They make a lovely cooing sound when they're a little scared and I'm sure that big echoey building with the auctioneer on loudspeaker wasn't helping that any!

I'm in love! Here are a few pictures that I snapped of the ones that were being auctioned off today:

This guy (or maybe girl?) was quite nervous. It was in the last enclosure sort of off by itself and they don't like to be alone. Poor wee baby. I love this brown colour.

This one really took an interest in my hubby. DH has a greying beard and grey in his otherwise very dark coloured hair, almost like this wee one's face.

I'd like a brown one and one like this to start, I really like the puffiness of their coats!

This one acted totally different as soon as I held my phone up to take its picture! I swear it was busting a pose for me. I really wish I could have taken it home with me! Look at the tufty hair on its head!! So freakin' cute!

We stopped at Fines Hardware in Shelburne on the way home to look at their sheds. I saw a couple of really nice 10X10s that would be PERFECT for two alpacas! I didn't hear too many complaints by the man that would have to pay for and assemble it. :o)

My dream of alpacas may soon be realized!

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Friday, November 5, 2010

Testing Hyperlinks

Oh please work!

Okay, that works!! YAY for BlogPress. I'm going to go fix the hyperlinks in my previous blog so they should work too. :o)

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Thursday, November 4, 2010

Processing Fleece...The Next Step

Well, this summer I learned how to skirt and pick out vegetation and then wash dirty sheep fleece. I laid it out to dry and then bagged up the clean and dry fleece waiting to amass the equipment/supplies to do the next step, Carding.

Today I took a road trip over to Camilla Valley Farm (Camilla Valley Farm) and bought a set of hand carders.

Here they are:

Aren't they lovely?! I got the coarse ones to start with and I hope to create some roving so I can make some nice thrummed mittens and slippers. (Thrum as described by the Yarn Harlot: Thrum FAQ)

The BEST thing about these puppies was this:

Gotta love it when I see those three lovely words: Made In Canada!

@spinndiva sent me a link to an awesome little visual aid to learn the carding process.

Here's a link to the YouTube video: YouTube Carding Video

While at Camilla Valley Farms I saw things, things I shouldn't have seen. Things like big used floor looms and brand new small table looms. A rainbow of colours of yarn on cones ready to be woven into lovely fabrics. I will resist this area of fibre manipulation.....for now.

I really need to finish a couple of projects before I get my hands on the carders and get at the fleece because as soon as the fleece is carded into roving, thrummed items will start appearing!

Cheers and Happy Thursday to all!

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